Death Tonight
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Hosting a Murder Mystery Party

The following is all fictitious. Any resemblance to persons or organisations is coincidental.

Some terms are different in the UK and the USA. In those case the UK term is in red and the USA term in blue.

The Setting is an Internet company that has grown from a small group of friends to one of the most powerful and influential companies in the world. Tonight William Door, chairman/president of the company, is about to receive a prestigious award from the business community at the Hilton Hotel. After a hearty meal the speeches are made. The press are around in force has it has been rumoured that William Door is about to announce some facts which could ruin some of the senior executives of the company. Eventually it is time for the presentation to be made to William Door. He gets up from his table and starts to walk confidently to the podium. Suddenly he trips and falls on the floor. His colleagues rush to his aid as does a doctor. Soon everyone moves away from William Door as the doctor announces "I am afraid that Mr Door is dead. Call the police. It looks like murder! Nobody leave the room".

The Characters

Steve Ticket

Steve is a computer whiz kid; a geek. He is rumoured to have just one suite that he wears for both weddings and funerals. He would wear it at job interviews but he has never had one! He is one of the founders of and looks down on everyone else in the company. He dresses in T-shirts, shorts and denims. He says that he is paid for his brain not his cloth sense. On his birthday he makes a special effort and wears matching socks! Today is not his birthday.

Charles Dwight

The companies sales manager. He feels that he should be the Finance Director. He dresses impeccably. Shoes with a polish that would make any army sergeant proud. He always wears a suite - even his pajarmas are pin stripped! He is always buying the latest gadgets and making sure everyone knows it. It's difficult to see his eyes as he always wears dark glasses. Insists on being called 'CD'.

Henry Indigo

Company solicitor/lawyer. Tries to keep a low profile but with the knowledge of the details of the companies past - some rumoured to be illegal - he often feels the pressure of the press. Dresses smart but casual with jackets that do not show creases when the female members of the press do their uppermost to extract a story from him. Does not wears white shirt as that would show lipstick!

Abigail Bottom

Has absolutely no dress sense but is the best press officer a company could hope for.

Julie Kovak

Non executive member of the board. Been a pauper and millionaire at least 3 times. Married three times to husbands who have gambled or wasted her millions. Currently divorced she is looking for a new husband and is dressed seductively.

Marina Newly

A new employee of the company and considered the lowest of the low. Main duties include making tea and coffee and photocopying. Wears designer cloths when ever possible. Often seen wearing a Cartiere watch but no-one has been able to see if is is guinuine or a fake. Always surrounded by young men.

The Next Stage

The 6 people do not have to know each other. They will be playing the part of a character. No acting experience is required. Just a desire to have a good time.

Get their e-mail addresses

The e-mail addresses are used to send each and every person the details of their part. Some of the information will be know to all other players; some will be known to one or two other players and some will be secret to the player who does not have to disclose it unless asked by another player. Each player will be told whether or not they are the murderer.

Assign each person to a character

Each character will be briefly described. From the descriptions the party organiser or host can assign the parts (with or without the co-operation of the other players).

Send out the invitations

Fill in the details of the "where and when" of the party and each person will be sent an e-mail with the part details and the details of the character they will be playing.

Have the party

Everyone should arrive. Add some food, wine to the characters with their information and start having a memorable evening.


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Last Updated : Wednesday, 25-Jan-2006
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